Top 20 Apple Arcade Games 2020 (First-half) -

Top 20 Apple Arcade Games 2020 (First-half)

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20 BEST Apple Arcade games from the first-half of 2020!
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1. Beyond a Steel Sky
2. Beyond Blue
3. Spyder
4. Legend of Skyfish 2
5. Little Orpheus
6. Towers of Everland
7. Butter Royale
8. Crossy Road Castle
10. SpongeBob: Patty Pursuit
11. A Fold Apart
12. No Way Home
13. Secret Oops!
14. Winding Worlds
15. Neversong
16. Kings of the Castle
17. Doomsday Vault
18. The_Otherside
20. Roundguard


  1. Are you still subscribed to Apple Arcade? 🤔

  2. First, I really love your vids and I’m surprised I was first.

  3. Eyy i'm early! Thanks for the video I have been looking forward to this one!

  4. Can you bring us the halo custom edition on mac or halo 3 for mac?

  5. Neversong deals with very mature themes, I wouldn’t say it’s for kids at all to be honest

  6. Also theres dying light btw so if you like zombie and survival

  7. Can u make these games for android poco f1 I want all iOS games in my poco f1 can u

  8. Ground guard is the knockoff of peggle

  9. First time watching your vids. Found them helpful, and insightful. I like the quick pace, briefly summarizing each game. A+

  10. No way home is very good game. Apple arcade needs a good football game like FIFA or pes

  11. Apple, please let me buy the games I want without the filler

  12. Your videos always get me to give games a second chance. And that is wonderful, thank you in my name and probably the developers names as well as getting into a game takes time and time is typically something you don’t have too much of if your gaming is arcade. I still rediscover games that were here from the beginning like Word Laces that you praised in the updates or little orpheyous here.

  13. It’s my birthday in a couple days and of course I’m getting a iTunes gift card,the subscription is one of the things I’m getting,excited to get beyond blue!

  14. You’re an awesome channel! However I will say these games suck

  15. They’re really making a heavy graphic games that makes the processor of iphones really useful

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