Tiny Arcade – Playable Mini Arcade Games
Available from Amazon US:
Ms Pac Man
Space Invaders
Pac Man
***LINKS: All Amazon/eBay links are Affiliated where possible.***
Pac-Man & Space Invaders can also be found on Amazon UK.
Note – if you are thinking of importing to the UK – not all Amazon resellers send outside the US. I used a store called -importcds (if it doesn’t default to them, look in the ‘Other Sellers’ drop-down box in the right-hand column).
Be careful not to confuse these with the various non-playable replicas and inferior games from other manufacturers. These “Tiny Arcade” machines are made by a company called “Super Impulse” and as yet they only make the four machines shown
I anticipate I’ll get lots of comments stating the 8-Bit Guy did videos on these and whilst he has done a video about mini table top arcade games – they are a lot bigger than these and are made by a different manufacturer. He’s a patron on my channel as am I on his, so we get to chat about these things sometimes, and I checked before I started making this video that I wasn’t repeating something he’d already covered. Here is a link to his video
UPDATE – I have been informed (in the comments) that these are also available in the UK through the retail chain Menkind. – They also have a website that shows they stock two of the range of four machines (Pac Man & Space Invaders) – here’s a link to PacMan
You can also find them in the store Red5 in the UK (which MenKind owns)
Update 2 – all four games are contained within each cabinet and can be activated by soldering the appropriate points. Here is a guide
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——-THANKS TO ——-
Jerobeam Fenderson for the intro animation:
———-Outro Music———–
Over Time – Vibe Tracks
——Outro Sound Effect——
ThatSFXGuy –
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