The History of Gauntlet arcade/console documentary -

The History of Gauntlet arcade/console documentary

PatmanQC – History of arcade game documentaries
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The history of the 1985 Atari dungeon crawler smash hit
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  1. Me and my friends use to spend hours playing Gauntlet Legends on the N64. Good times.

  2. How could you say Gauntlet Legends has "fantastic" graphics? It looks like dogshit now and it did then as well.

  3. 'Wizard has been eating all the food lately'

  4. 'Wizard has been eating all the food lately'

  5. The quest mode on the Sega Genesis port was amazing. There were 5 10-level towers to beat. They had unique puzzles and you had multi-level navigation to get to certain areas. Add in levelling up and it was the game we all dreamed Gauntlet could be.

  6. The quest mode on the Sega Genesis port was amazing. There were 5 10-level towers to beat. They had unique puzzles and you had multi-level navigation to get to certain areas. Add in levelling up and it was the game we all dreamed Gauntlet could be.

  7. How could you say Gauntlet Legends has "fantastic" graphics? It looks like dogshit now and it did then as well.

  8. Gauntlet graphics were quite mind blowing at the time.
    let that sink in.

  9. I first played this as a little kid in the 80's. They had one in the 7-11 down the street and I would go there and play it. I love this game and I have a 1984 version of this in my office. I saved it from destruction and restored it. It has the original joysticks, motherboard and speakers. I just had to replace the art on the cabinet and repair the coin receivers. Its an awesome game. I've never seen the end or a kill screen. My family and I get tired around level 30 and we go do something else. Its still a bast to play.

  10. So many great memories. Back in the day Disneyland had a great arcade and would usually have the newest games before they showed up in local arcades or convenience stores. I visited the park in late '85 or early '86 and they had Gauntlet and Paperboy. 12 year old me went back to my local arcade and harrassed the owner and staff incessantly about getting both games. Gauntlet arrived within a few months but for some reason they never got Paperboy.

  11. 19:21 Correction: Midway Arcade Treasures came out in 2003, not 2014

  12. Oh man, the defeat I felt playing this game. $10 mugged with vigor in very short order.

  13. absolutely hated this game and i owned it. especially when the character gets hit from the enemies and makes an "uhhhh" sounds like he's getting groped. Complex maps which seemed to make no sense. This from the NES version

  14. nice journey down memory lane, i miss those days. however I think you missed the 2014 pc remake.

  15. I loved playing Dark Legacy with my dad on the Gamecube when I was younger. The announcer's voice brings back so many memories.

  16. Legacy is pretty awesome. Loved when playing the sorceress, as she leveled ip, her outfit gets skimpier!

  17. any comments on the MIDWAY CLASSIC ARCADE classics vol1 rca plug into the tv version. It comes with Joust, Gauntlet, and Defender. It connects with RCA jacks.

  18. I gave this game money back in the day

  19. i really love the Arrowhead remake
    the Magika/helldivers gameplay is pretty soild for a dungeon crawler too.

  20. Love the arcade Gauntlet and when I got Gauntlet 4 for my Genesis it was awesome and the music is really good

  21. First arcade game I ever played, I think was maybe 6 or so, in 88', at a local arcade.

  22. "every second of the game your life decreases"

    Well that's the more realistic feature into any game ever

  23. i played Gauntlet 2 in an Atari ST as a kid, and because i didn't understand english AT ALL, all the info i got was from trial and error. But it was beutiful anyway (and stressful asf) (i don't think i never made it over level 10)

  24. This is what I started on in my pre pubescent years….These kids don't know how easy they got it nowadays… They whine and bitch about Diablo 4…lol
    This was the OG of dungeon crawlers.

    Your life force is running out!

  25. Having played the Orginal, it's good, and I know if it failed, there wouldn't be Gauntlet Dark Legacy or 7 Sarrows .. I personally love Dark Legacy, but if it had the 7 sarrows graphics, that would be great. The ps4 one was decent for me, but it wasn't the same it's one they developers missed something.

  26. "In my opinion Gauntlet should always be played from a top down 2D perspective as found in the originals."Oh, no, sacrilege. Valkyrie sword-and-boarding through mobs of orcs and goblins in Gauntlet Legends is one of the high points of my casual gaming career.

  27. GAUNTLET big game,mi infancia…

  28. Imagine a remake of Dark Legacy with 8 players?

  29. Gauntlet peaked with Dark Legacy and crashed with seven sorrows. every game after has been an attempted reboot or rerelease of the originals.
    as someone who has played most if not all of the gauntlet games Seven Sorrows was the worst.

  30. I miss classic Gauntlet, but Dark Legacy was probably the best, so much happening in that game

  31. Gauntlet dark legacy was my favourite, I'd love a re release or a hd remake. As long as they maintain their original voices and sounds.

  32. My best friends and I played the absolute HELL out of the NES port

  33. I play with US sailors in the bowling alley back as a kid, they were very nice people play with, they don’t mind for me being there as a fourth player

  34. I remember renting the Sega Master System version in the 90's, it mistakenly has it as an "RPG" game on the box, so I was really disappointed with the game when I fired it up! Wasn't until about 10 years ago I gave it another go, and I absolutely love it, its gone from a disappointment to perhaps one of my favourite games on the Master System! Extremely addictive gameplay. Love how it's a different game each time. All the other versions of the game just look inferior to it as well (except the arcade version) I agree with the 'top down' thing you mention. I played the legends game on the PS1 and it didn't feel like Gauntlet, plus the unlimited continues just kinda took the fun out of it.
    Brilliant video btw, I love the in depth history lesson.

  35. 18:48 – It was a huge step down from the previous Gauntlet titles. Making it a horrible game.

  36. You forgot the Elf's secret power: being the only character anyone plays ever.

  37. Is it possible to play gauntlet on the ps4?

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