Setting Up & Playing Classic Arcade Game PCBs
● LGR links:
● Video chapters:
00:00 Introduction
01:02 Overview of Components
01:18 Arcade PCB Considerations
03:13 JAMMA
03:57 Overview of Superguns
05:07 Choosing a Supergun
05:48 Power Supplies
06:48 The Parsec Supergun
07:45 Kick Harnesses
08:36 Cartridge Arcade Systems
09:43 Arcade Joysticks
10:35 ROM Swaps
11:17 Displays & CRTs
12:36 Video Converters
13:30 LCD Monitors
14:14 Storage Options
15:05 Summary
● List of parts shown: (not sponsored, no revenue sharing, these are just items I’ve bought)
Home Arcade System HAS Supergun
Retroelectronik Essential Basic Supergun
Retroelectronik Pro Gamer Supergun
Parsec Supergun
8-pin Mini DIN to RGB SCART Cable
Cable Matters HDMI to VGA Adapter
Micomsoft XRGB-Mini Framemeister (out of production)
OSSC Open Source Scan Converter
Retrotink RGB2COMP SCART to Component Transcoder
Andoer GBS-8200 Video Converter Board
Irken Labs Retro Scale A1 VGA Line Doubler for 15kHz to 31kHz
Namco PlayStation Arcade Joystick NPC-102 (out of production)
PlayStation to 15-pin Neo Geo Adapter v3
JNX Rage Primal Rage Adapter
Pre-made Kick Harness Wiring
Capcom and other JAMMA adapters
Two Player Conversion Upgrade Kit ROMs
Rotating LCD Monitor Stand
500W EVGA ATX PC Power Supply
110W Suzo Happ Arcade Power Supply
Lions3 MV1FZ Top & Bottom Acrylic Case
Kraft Tab Locking Literature Mailers
Anti-Static Convoluted Foam
● Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
#Lgr #Arcade #Supergun