Metal Slug 5 MAME Arcade Game Longplay | Full Walkthrough -

Metal Slug 5 MAME Arcade Game Longplay | Full Walkthrough

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Metal Slug 5 MAME is a one of the best shootemup games for the Neo-Geo by SNK Playmore. It was released in 2003 for the MVS Arcade Platform and is the fifth game in the shmup Metal Slug Anthology. View Metal Slug 5 walkthrough video on retrogaming channel Retro GameBox.

One year after the events of Metal Slug 4, a special disc that contains deep and intricate secrets about the Metal Slug project is stolen by a mysterious group called the Ptolemaic Army, whose specialty lies from within archaeological excavation and espionage. In Metal Slug 5 Arcade MAME gameplay Marco and Tarma of the Peregrine Falcon Strike Force follow in hot pursuit against the group and in the process are joined by Eri and Fio of SPARROWS. Together once more, the quartet investigate the shrouded objective of the Ptolemaic Army, who over time grows more powerful as they are joined by a mysterious masked man and his followers. At the end of the In Metal Slug 5 full game, the Ptolemaic Army summons a giant demon as the final boss, which after a long battle is forced to leave Earth thanks to the heroes.

Metal Slug 5 Neo Geo stands out among other run and gun retro games, first of all, with a hurricane of gameplay, a sea of humor, a wide variety of opponents and smartly designed levels!

Developer: SNK Playmore
Publisher: SNK Playmore
Platform: Arcade | MAME | Neo Geo Games
Genre: Shoot ’em up | Shmup | Run and Gun
Release: 2003

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