Mega Man: The Power Arcade Games (PS2): Boss Rush Battle Fighters - Danny's Review Show -

Mega Man: The Power Arcade Games (PS2): Boss Rush Battle Fighters – Danny’s Review Show

Danny Ben S
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DRS Video 28: Mega Man The Power Arcade Games for PlayStation 2 via Mega Man Anniversary Collection.

Here is my first ever Mega Man review video. For this review, I talked about the two Mega Man arcade games: Mega Man: The Power Battle and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. I had Mega Man Anniversary Collection to thank for having these games and Codebreaker to thank for unlocking them early. Do these games hold up today? Well watch the video to find out my opinions on the games.

This is the first review video to be made using PowerDirector 20, so I was learning how to do a few things.

Music: Mega Man The Power Battle, Mega Man 2 The Power Fighters and Mega Man Anniversary Collection

#MegaManThePowerBattle #MegaMan2ThePowerFighters #MegaManArcade #MegaManAnniversaryCollection #MegaMan #PS2 #PlayStation #VideoGames #DRS #DannysReviewShow