MAME Arcade Games on the AtGames Legends Pinball - BYOG/AddOn Tutorial -

MAME Arcade Games on the AtGames Legends Pinball – BYOG/AddOn Tutorial

Wagner’s TechTalk
Views: 14109
Like: 267
In this video we’ll go through the setup of how to package MAME 2003 games and play them on the Legends Pinball. We’ll step through all the components you need to install, package a game and play it on the Legends Pinball table along with Galaga, Pac-Man and a few others! More details here:

* Full Instructions for this video:
* Wagner’s TechTalk AtGames Legends Pinball Page:
* AtGames Legends Pinball Page:

* Main ALP Guide:
* CoinOpsX Guide:
* ALP PinUP Popper Baller Installer Setup:
* ALP Pinball FX3 Setup:
* ALP Initial PC Setup / Prep:
* VIBS Switch Button Mount Details:

00:00 – Introduction
00:28 – What we’ll cover
01:42 – Game Packaging
07:28 – Install on Table
08:47 – Game Play
11:41 – Conclusion

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