Locked Away – Sega Arcade Games
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Episode Notes:
1. I used a combination of emulators for this episode. I used Supermodel for the Model 3 games, Nebula Model 2 for Desert Tank, Demul for Planet Harriers, and MAME for the rest.
2. Planet Harriers emulation is very poor. Many graphical and sound problems. It’s good enough to get an idea what the game is about, however.
3. I use to own a Sega Super GT arcade unit about 10 years ago. I was forced to sell it in a move. One of my biggest regrets ever. It was pristine.
4. I used the Space Harrier music from the 32X version for Planet Harriers because of the sound problems.
5. I used music from Sega’s Indy 500 in the opening description of the episode while Daytona 2 was playing.