Japanese Table Smashing Arcade Game | Cho Chabudai Gaeshi - jadeusgames.com

Japanese Table Smashing Arcade Game | Cho Chabudai Gaeshi

Abroad in Japan
Views: 434546
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Japanese Table Flipping Game! Arcade game: Japanese stress relieve relief; involving a Japanese expression, an awesome arcade game and an abundance of tables.

For those interested in Japan, sarcasm and ridiculous things, why not check out the rest of my YouTube channel here:

Episode 1: Arriving in Japan and My Japanese Apartment

Episode 2: Culture Shock Convenience and Sushi in Japan!

Episode 3: Driving in Japan

Episode 4: Robot Restaurant (ロボットレストラン), Shinjuku, Tokyo – Robots, Women and Insanity…

Episode 5: Japan’s Ultimate Arcade Game

Episode 6: Japan: Crime, Safety and Cat Shit One