How to make an Arcade Machine: Part 1 -

How to make an Arcade Machine: Part 1

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In part one of How to make an Arcade Machine, Mike from The Geek Pub walks through the process of building the arcade cabinet. Using this machine you will be able to play all of the old school retro arcade games including PacMan and Galaga!

In part two of this video we will cover installing all of the electronics into the arcade cabinet, including the use of MAME (Mega Arcade Multi Emulator) and the Maximus Arcade front-end on a Windows 8 PC.

This arcade machine cabinet is custom made from MDF. We drill all of the holes for the joystick and buttons, along with slots for the coin door! In part three of the series we will install the lighted marquee and graphics.

Plans will be available shortly:

Watch Part 2:

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