How To: Install RetroPie 4.4 and Setup MAME on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ Play ARCADE GAMES! -

How To: Install RetroPie 4.4 and Setup MAME on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ Play ARCADE GAMES!

Wagner’s TechTalk
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In this video, I’ll demonstrate the hardware needed to setup and run RetroPie on the Raspberry Pi 3B+. That is, we’ll cover where to download RetroPie, how to burn the image file, how to copy the ROM (game) files and configure the MAME games.

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Raspberry 3b+

Power Supply (with power button)

Perixx PERIBOARD-514H Plus Wired Keyboard with Trackball (USB)

128Gb microSD

Controller Link (similar, exact one I used is no longer available)

HDMI-to-VGA Adapter (only needed if you want to hook your Pi to a VGA Monitor):

Software (burning the RetroPie .img file to the microSD)
Since this video, changed to .
Another option instead of using etcher is Win32 Disk Imager:

If interested in creating a bar-top, table-top or full size arcade cabinet with your RetroPie, then you may want to consider this (I personally have used it in x3 RPi Arcades and they work great):

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

I’m also building a Restrictor Plate that for the above joystick that doesn’t require opening the cabinet. Here’s my video on that:
