Donkey Kong (Original) Full Playthrough (US Arcade Version, All 4 Levels, 3 Rotations, 0 Deaths) -

Donkey Kong (Original) Full Playthrough (US Arcade Version, All 4 Levels, 3 Rotations, 0 Deaths)

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I’ve been wanting to do this for a very, VERY long time.

Whether you know or not, one of my previous Donkey Kong playthroughs is actually my top-viewed video in the entire history of my 4500+ channel, and by a very VERY large margin. Entire playlists of games you’ve seen me cover get ALL of their views outdone and totally drowned out by that one video. However, it also has an insane amount of dislikes because it’s really flawed due to me dying a few times in it. I wanted to fix that in some ways and did a bit more research on why some versions of the game have a different level order, which I was also criticized for getting a few things wrong about.

If you’re curious, I’ll provide links to my other runs of this game:

Japanese Arcade Run:

First American Arcade Run:



The American version of Donkey Kong opens up more levels in later rotations, rather than having them all unlocked at once. Rotation 1 has you go through 25m and 100m. Then it leads to Rotation 2, which lets you play through 25m, 75m, and 100m. Then beating those makes you go through Rotation 3, where all 4 of the game’s levels are playable from that point on, including 50m.

The game keeps track of the rotation you’re on at the top-right corner of the screen with the blue “L=”, with the number next to it being your current rotation. This increases every time you beat the game and go back to 25m.

In this video, I go through all 3 of these rotations on top of not having a single death to slow the experience down. This took me quite some time to do this, because RNG in full effect for a lot of the things that happen in this game, such as whether a barrel rolls down a ladder in 25m not.

I made this video to make up for how clumsy and naive I was being in my previous runs of the original Arcade version of the game. I present to you all a much more cleaner and refreshing take on this timeless classic.

I hope you all enjoy it!