Captain America and the Avengers (1991) Arcade 4 Players [TAS] -

Captain America and the Avengers (1991) Arcade 4 Players [TAS]

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Captain America and the Avengers | Data East | 1991

Played, recorded and published by – Gameplay Uploaded
Thumbnail artwork by – Gameplay Uploaded

Our gameplays are TAS “Tool Assisted Superplay”. NOT intended as an official speedrun or world record. For more information about TASing please visit

00:00 Channel Intro
00:19 Game intro, demo, score ranking
03:42 Character selection
04:04 Scene 1 ‘The Avengers’ – Living laser and Klaw, Whirlwind
06:23 Scene 2 ‘Target Town’ – Giant Robot, Grim Reaper
10:14 Scene 3 ‘Challenge from the bottom of the sea’ – Wizard, Mech. Taco, Mandarin
14:22 Scene 4 ‘The Giant Laser Cannon’ – Jaggernaut, Ultron
17:09 Final Scene (5) ‘The End of Red Skull’ – Control, Crossbones, Red Skull, Mech. Skull
23:42 Ending, End Credits

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