Best Apple Arcade games 2022 | 14 indie games you can’t miss
00:00 Intro
00:33 South of the Circle
01:26 Sayonara Wild Hearts
02:22 Wylde Flowers
03:12 Neo Cab
04:15 Mini Metro
05:18 Overland
06:19 The Last Campfire
07:00 Mutazione
07:51 Jenny LeClue: Detectivu
08:38 Cozy Grove
09:26 Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
10:16 Creaks
11:07 NUTS
11:52 Assemble with Care
This is a jam-packed list of my favorite indie games on Apple Arcade. These indie games have cute art, heartwarming stories, and interesting gameplay. Most are available on other platforms as well and these are all gems you should try!
Music credits:
Lakey Inspired:
Intro / outro:
Merry Bay by Ghostrifter bit.ly/ghostrifter-sc
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download: hypeddit.com/track/zwe36x
Thumbnail background from Wylde Flowers by Studio Drydock
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