Atari Acquires Rights to a Dozen '80s Stern Arcade Games - SEE THEM ALL! -

Atari Acquires Rights to a Dozen ’80s Stern Arcade Games – SEE THEM ALL!

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Atari has acquired the rights to 12 classic arcade properties including Berzerk and Frenzy.

After speculating on what the additional 10 games might be just one day ago, the full list is now here. Jon runs you through a quick overview of the full set of 12 titles for which Atari has now acquired distribution rights.

The publisher said the deal will allow it to create new games based on its newly-acquired franchises, expand the digital and physical distribution of those classic titles, and explore brand and merchandising collaborations.

Atari CEO Wade Rosen explained the acquisition is part of the company’s broader strategy of “commercializing classic retro IP,” and described top-down shooter Berzerk as a perfect example of the sort of title Atari wants to reinvigorate.

“Berzerk is one of those foundational games that so many people first encountered playing on an Atari console,” added Rosen in a press release.

#atari #stern #berzerk #genxgrownup

Game Informer Article:
GameDeveloper Article:
Time Extension Article (12 Games Revealed):

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