[Arcade] Let's Go Island 3D - All Bosses + Bad Ending + Good Ending - jadeusgames.com

[Arcade] Let’s Go Island 3D – All Bosses + Bad Ending + Good Ending

Game Boss Evolution
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Let’s Go Island: Lost On the Island of Tropics is a Sega arcade game that was released in mid-2011. It’s a sequel to Let’s Go Jungle!: Lost on the Island of Spice.

Let’s Go Island: Lost on the Island of Tropics is an arcade game developed by Sega. It is the sequel to Let’s Go Jungle! and runs on Sega’s RingWide arcade board. Players take the role of a tourist and tour guide to gun their way through a monster-infested island. It was followed by Let’s Go Island 3D.

00:00 Intro
00:29 School of Sharks
01:33 Boss: Giant Octopus
04:10 Boss: Wasp Queen
06:32 Boss: Giant Octopus #2
08:35 Final Boss: ?? (What should I call him ?)

#gamebossevolution, #Let’sGoIsland, #bossfight, #arcade
πŸ’šπŸ’š Music used:
– Outro Song: Royalty Free Medieval Music ()
πŸ’—πŸ’— Credits to:

All gameplay and cutscene videos are recorded and edited by me.
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