Arcade Game: Super Pac-Man (1982 Namco)
A maze sequel to Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, but this time, instead of dots, the maze consists of prizes which are locked away behind gates. There are two ways to acces the prizes. You can eat the keys which open a particular gate, and not always the gate which is closest to that key. Or you can crash through the gate after you eat a super pill and become Super Pac-Man. You are not required to eat all of the keys in order to complete the stage.
Four power pills are in maze and allow Pac-Man to turn the tables on the ghosts and eat them for a short time. When the ghosts begin to flash, time is running out and they will switch back, so beware.
New in this game is the super pill. There are two super pills in the maze which allow Pac-Man to become Super Pac-Man for a limited period of time. While in Super form, Pac-Man can crash through the maze gates, fly over the ghosts and avoid being killed (or eat them when they’re blue), and travel at super speed whenever the player presses and holds the speed button. When the super power is about to run out, Pac-Man flashes white and then returns to his normal form. You can extend the duration of super time by eating a regular power pill. The super time will then be extended by the duration of the ghosts’ blue time.