Arcade Game: Pole Position (1982 Namco/Atari) -

Arcade Game: Pole Position (1982 Namco/Atari)

Old Classic Retro Gaming
Views: 416535
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A race/driving game using a color raster-scan video display. The game action takes place at Fuji Speedway in Japan. The country around the speedway consists of green meadows, hills, and snow-capped Mt. Fuji.

This was the world’s first 16-bit arcade game as well as video game powered by a 16-bit processor. Namco was the first company to accomplish this.
Pole Position was the first driving/racing game to be based on a real circuit

Note: The infinite time cheat was used since the time for the middle of the race is too short. The atari version is slightly different than the Namco originally which begins at 6:23.