8gb Vertical (Portrait) Retropie Arcade Build - 800+ Classic Arcade Games - jadeusgames.com

8gb Vertical (Portrait) Retropie Arcade Build – 800+ Classic Arcade Games

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New Vertical MAME arcade image for the raspberry pi 3. Will work on the pi 3 b and b+ (plus). Over 800 of those vertical classic arcade games including donkey kong, 1941, gallaga, frogger, pac-man, and way more. We show off the setup and show you some things to help get started. Image is under 8gb!

Image on Arcadepunks – Mrburns 8gb vertical

Gameroom Solutions Bartop:
Bartop Build:

–Preferred Amazon products–

Paypal |
Patreon |

— Preferred Pi Products —
Raspberry Pie 3 KIT 1.4GHZ KIT |
Raspberry Pie 3 1.2GHZ KIT |
Raspberry Pie Zero W KIT |
400gb micro sd |
256gb micro sd |
200gb micro sd |
128gb micro sd |
64gb micro sd |
32gb micro sd |
16gb micro sd |

— Preferred Pi Controllers —
Do Everything Wireless Controller |
Classic SNES Style |
Slick Controller Wi U |
Serious Contender |
I’m broke but wanna game |
Xbox 360 Controller |
Killer Wired Controller |

Capture Card |
Computer |
WebCam |
Headset |
Mic |
Tripod |
Nice SLR Camera |
Nice SLR Camera Lens |
Keyboard |
Mouse |
Backdrop support |
Green Screen |