80s Classic Video Games Music – ✭ Ultimate Early 80s Arcade Tribute | pt. 3
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Video games have been around for a long time, but the 80’s is really where it started.
It’s the classic games of the 80s that always have the best music. Here’s a trip down memory lane with the best of them all. Whether or not you believe video games qualify as art, these video game soundtracks should convince you that video game scores most certainly do.
It’s the classic games of the 80s that always have the best music. Here’s a trip down memory lane with the best of them all. Whether or not you believe video games qualify as art, these video game soundtracks should convince you that video game scores most certainly do.
21. Burger Time
22. Commando
23. Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge
24. Frogger
25. Popeye
26. Rollin
27. Video Games Get in Your Brain
28. 80s Video Games
29. Start Up
30. Game Over